Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Abraham and His Historical Significance: The Planter, The Seed, The Roots

Abraham is a significant figure in history. Especially religious history. When it comes to history, I tend to think of it somewhat like a system of roots; there is one, beginning, central point (the seed) that everything stems off of to create a complex, diverse system of roots that is the history of the world. In this scenario, Abraham is the seed, and the roots are the rest of occurred/occurring religious history (in retrospect). According to Judaism, Abraham was the first Jew. It is an argument to make that Judaism was the earliest and is the oldest religion practice throughout humanity (certainly coming before Christianity and Islam, the other two main religions of the present day). However, going along with the argument proposing Judaism is (one of the) or (the) first religions to exist, Abraham can be classified as the first religious individual. Obviously, that title poses an enormous amount of historical significance, let alone religious (Judaic especially) history. Growing up diffused in a culture surrounded by beliefs, values, and concepts that he did not agree with or abide with, Abraham individually took action to replace the distorted religious societies which he was immersed in with ones that exercised/approached religion the way he felt was correct. He physically destroyed the “materialized” religion at hand and attempted to impose a more theoretical, rational, and faithful religion according to G-d. Although, being a minor religious force against a much stronger, popularized, and appealing religious power, Abraham’s revolutionary ideas and beliefs were immediately shut down. Left to say, this is almost a foreshadowing of Jewish history to come later as Jews become the minority in religious societies. Nevertheless, Abraham pursued his gut feeling and religious ideas that would alter the world of religion forever.
Partnering up with G-d, they established a religious force that would take history and change it forever. A sole man, with a core belief of believing in G-d, established one of the most powerful religions that humanity has/will ever see throughout history. He was not a product of society, but rather an individual who did the opposite of historically diffuse; he historically created, going against the gradient of religion and establishing a firm ground (planting the seed) which the three main religions of the modern world, over thousands of years later, would call as their history. His roots (offspring, pun intended) would then become the next central/beginning figures of two religions; his son Ishmael to Islam, and much farther down the roots system, Jesus to Christianity. Historically significant, Abraham would begin an incredibly long strand of religious-history makers just like him. He set the example and planted the seed (he’s the planter and the seed in this case), by which all others (the roots) would grow off of, learn from, and reflect upon/of when they participate in their religious practices and religion in general. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Believers of Religion

Why are the believers the essential element to understanding the history of a religion?
Why do you think religion in 2011 CE is so much different than religion in 2011 BCE?
Believers are an essential element to all religions because they are the participants in that religion, also being the population of individuals that the religion is aimed/directed towards. They embrace and accept the ideas, philosophies, and beliefs (etc.) of the religion they belong to without question or doubt. While non participants may deem the basis of the religion as irrational, the believers withstand the ones who are opposed to them and make an impact on history. With an importance presence in history and beyond, believers carry along that religion’s beliefs and rituals throughout generations. They are the ones who continue to extend the history of that religion as they are being part of it, continuing the legacies, principles, and faiths of such a religion. By acting in ways the exemplify the philosophy of their religion, believers spread and expand their religion even more. Believers preserve religious devotion and allow such religions to maintain themselves throughout history. In a nutshell, believers embrace, live, and spread the faith of religion. Believers are the audience to the platform of the religion.

Historical Diffusion: Akhenaton to Steve Jobs

One of the central concepts of history is the notion of change over time. Rarely in history does one find an element that remains in the exact same form, manner, etc. that it was established in throughout time. Oppositely, it is almost the case that historically, elements of history never stay the same and changes (usually) drastically as the time, setting, and humanity progresses. History depends on its surroundings, and consequentially, those surroundings are the main contributing factors that alter the history to such an extent. These factors include environmental status, technological status, overall exposure to the greater world/humanity, the people associated, the history of the people/location/environment, etc. Although, the factors are unique and different for every moment and individual in history. They also change. So, we have this conceived notion of changes over time as a result of the surrounding environment. 
One of the outcomes of a continual change over time historical diffusion. As history changes, the humanity involved in it changes as well. Historical diffusion is the process of influence and creating. One cannot escape the history they are living in simply because it is impossible to escape their lives (except for resorting to death). Regardless, the history creates the environment that one lives in, therefore the history makes a profound impact on the individual just like if an earthquake struck, most, if not all individuals living at the time would be impacted; its not a choice, but the history is simply involved in their life and the effect is widely felt. Anyways, when living in the present, history occurs, therefore influencing whoever is present at the time. Historical diffusion is exactly that; “growing up” in a time when concepts, beliefs (in this case), technologies, etc. are being presented to you, directly or indirectly. Either way, the influence is felt and is unavoidable. It goes to say that humanity, in a way, is a product of the environment which they are involved in/exist in. When one is historically diffused, which happens almost every day throughout history to the present day (and in the future), they become a newly shaped individual, community, or ultimately a new form humanity that is an outcome of new, revolutionary history. It is not copying history, its intaking it individually and soon projecting it/redefining it to establish something completely new, to redefine history itself. It is an ongoing cycle that will never end as long as history is in play (which will continue for a fairly long amount of time). Returning to the concept of change over time throughout history, realistically, everything that makes up humanity today isn’t that much of a difference than it was since the earlier periods of history, it is just incredibly more elaborate, expansive, progressed, and added on to than it was when it started; either way, the progression of history and humanity as a whole are both distinct outcomes of the complex process of influence and creation, otherwise noted as historical diffusion.
An example of historical diffusion in the more modern part of history rather than Akhenaton can include the establishment and revolution of mobile technologies, something that really took off in the past five or seven years. Smart-phones initially began with the amazing invention of the Iphone, marketed by Apple in early 2007. Everybody demanded it. There was no kid, adult, or community that did not have any inclination to go into a store and test it out, or just buy one right off the bat. It was chaos; the way humanity operated mobile and how it connected with each other was changed forever. Little did we know it, a few months following the original, Apple had already announced plans to reinvent and create the Iphone 3G. It was everything that the Iphone had, and better. Clearly, other phone companies were loosing a lot of business and popularity as Apple took over the mobile world. As a result of this and the profound impact that the Iphone made on humanity and technology, other phone companies started up in the competition to create the first generation of smart phone technology.  
As soon as we know it, all other phone companies start shooting out other lines of phones comparable to the Iphone. In the past four years alone, Apple has made four new versions of the Iphone, while other phone companies combined has produced between eighty and one hundred different models of phones that can do the same, if not more than the Iphone. Regardless, all of the other phone companies diffused off the sole idea and concept that Apple proposed and had so much success with. Each company took the ideas and influence from the original smart phone inventor, Apple, and reshaped its concepts and principles to form an adaption of their own, thus creating the new lines of smart phones. By doing this, they gained eminence and much success, all as a result of diffusing through/modifying Apple’s historical achievement. The companies did not steal the principles of the Iphone, but rather were influenced by them and projected/redefined them to establish the new generations of smart phones that further revolutionized the world of technology and mobile functions; just like how Akhenaton revolutionized the world of religion and influenced a new generation of religions for the world to be marveled by and participate in, redefining the way humanity perceived religion. The new generation of Iphones and smart phones redefined the way humanity perceives technology, and changed how humanity operated, ultimately changing the history of humanity’s interaction with technology and each other. That’s what cultural diffusion does; on a larger and smaller scale alike, it transforms history to create a new future.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ruth's Religious Identity

**I chose to take a more personal route on writing this blog, focusing in on an individual's story and religious experience**
Religion has played a large part in my family’s life, but coming from me, the most religious/religiously influenced character in my life in my grandmother Ruth. Being born in Israel, she had a large religious upbringing and background. Attending synagogue weekly, being exposed to the several different religious aspects of life throughout the state, nationality, and her parents, Ruth had a very sizable background in religion; she had a concrete understanding of her belief system, religious concepts, and individualized her religion to suit her. She continued this religious upbringing, but the climax of her experience with religion was her drafting into the Israeli army: the IDF. This military stronghold was the epitome of the Jewish religion and faith. Fighting and protecting the Jewish homeland with/and everything it stands for and believes in was Ruth’s defining characteristic of the Jewish religion. With everything that she had developed throughout her past years growing up in the heart of Judaism, and participating in an incredible religious act, Ruth’s sight of the world had altered significantly from when he was in her younger years, not as exposed to religious aspects of life in such large proportions and intensities. Nevertheless, religion had taken its toll on her life and redefined the way the Ruth experienced and took in the world she lived in.
Evidently, her Jewish identity effected the way that she continued to live her life outside of the state of Israel. Immigrating to America, Ruth discovered much more about  the reality of the world, all through her unique perspective as a result of her intense religious exposure and character. Her religion allowed her to see things from a view that was unmistakable, and apparently unknown to the most, if not all people. She thought the eating of a hamburger was vulgar and inhumane, let alone knowing how to eat it. She thought that the excess of American culture reflected the disgust she held for the way America operated in contrast to the way things went in Israel. She thought the heavy presence of an assortment of other religions undermined the importance and value of Judaism. The list goes on and on. Although, it remains clear that because of the stringent and narrow religious views which she held in Israel for so many years, the way she sees other cultures, culturally (and religiously) diffuses, and the way she feels about her surroundings were all concepts that were drastically impacted by her religion. Whether or not her religion enabled or disabled her to see things throughout her surroundings is a different story, but it is clear that her religion changed the way she viewed the world.
Despite a rough start, Ruth’s new culture and lifestyle allowed her previous 
one(s) to wither down, playing a less and less role in her current life. While getting accustomed to a new culture is a challenge for sure, Ruth soon discovered that religion does in fact have a significant role in her life, and the position which her religion from Israel used to fulfill was vacant, and needed to be filled. So, she diffused into American culture even more by combining the Jewish religion and American culture as one. Ruth became an active participant in a local Jewish synagogue, Jewish seminars, conferences, works, etc. The new form of religion which she followed allowed her to see the world in a more open, all-embracing fashion. Unlimited by Israeli religious lifestyle, Ruth established her own, independent religious ground which she would base a great portion of her life in America on. This allowed her to appreciate her religious, Jewish element in addition to her cultural, American element. This combination went to create the distinct and unrepeatable personality and overview which makes Ruth’s character such an interesting, broad, and engaging one. Religion had altered the ways by which she experienced life; whether one way or another, she always had a unique and individual perspective as a result of her participation, faith, and appreciation for religion.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Religion is a Tool: News Article Relfection

When asked to find an article concerning how religion shapes an individual’s perspective on the world/how they view things, the first thing that came to my mind was my religion: Judaism. Being as objective as I could be, I went to the primary news source of Israel, Judaism’s origin of its people, history, and foundation of the religious beliefs and principles. Although, I did not type anything into the search box; I scrolled to the politics and business sections in hopes that I would find an example of how religion contributes to a nation’s/religion’s perspective on a non-religious affiliated (for the most part) subject. I was in luck. I found an article that was written three hours before on this day, detailing in non-middle eastern affairs but rather provided a (somewhat) religious view on American culture, politics, and beliefs. It was titled “Why American religion isn’t refining American values”. Interestingly, it is profiling the American culture and way of life as a religion, which, in a way I agree with because I see it fit that American culture has most, if not all of the the aspects which encompasses a religion. But, it is not something that is spiritually connected, being my disagreement with the profiling. 
It poses a contradiction which proves a large issue with the American religion. Americans (92% to be exact) are religious believers, 80% being churchgoers; the same faithful, religious individuals materialize themselves and their religions with things like shopping (Black Friday) and being violent when doing so; joking of Tim Tebow, a devoted and religious Christian--someone who has had their religion used against them; people with a high exposure to and a large demand for pornography; etc. All of these things are examples of American culture that go much against some religious beliefs. Nevertheless, from the point of view from this Israeli (a Jew) who is recording this, the strict and faithful principles of his religion allowed him to view American culture or religion in an entirely alternate form as it would be viewed as by an Americans themselves, or perhaps from another religion. The writer’s religion forced him to see the negativities which arise out of this religion that are in great contrast to the aspects of his own religion. He has used his religious background and knowledge to shape the world he faces differently than (almost) any other individual. 
In response to some other the abnormalities and defects of the American religion, the author points out an additional key component to the religion that he feels is essential in all religions. Now controlled heavily by politics, gay and lesbian marriage as well as abortions have little relation to religion in the modern world. He states that some aspects of life, including these concepts, should be dictated by religion in opposition to politics; regardless, politicians are excluding all other values (religious or not) and making decisions/controlling the people devoted to this American religion in the wrong direction. Clarifying why this article was found in the political section in the first place, the author feels that religion should not be undermined and should continue to play a significant role in all of its values and practices in the daily lives of all. He posses an interesting thought, that American religion is so distracted and off balanced as a result of its advancements throughout the past few decades, and its governing bodies are loosing sight of what is truly the government of man: religion. The author is saying this because his religion personally changed the way he sees the world and operates, and the difference he notices between what is occurring in his nation and land, between what is occurring in America’s nation and land dictates the reasons for why he is saying what he is. His religion believes in something else that is more rational and ‘correct’, in a sense, so he wants to see a change in the opposing religion as well. 
The last lines of the article are particularly striking, as it states a “...cruel failure of leadership on the part of our religious, political, and cultural icons”. To me, this captures the subjectivity of religion perfectly. His religion has transformed the way he sees the world, as to say when something disagrees with, contradicts, or threats the religion he follows, the world beyond must be changed to match/suit the religious concepts and practices. Religion is a tool which people use to base their perspectives and judgements  on as it supports the individual’s (subjective) reason. Therefore, that tool is taken to use throughout all scenarios, as it changes the way people see, judge, absorb, and appreciate their surroundings.