Monday, January 23, 2012

Religion is a Tool: News Article Relfection

When asked to find an article concerning how religion shapes an individual’s perspective on the world/how they view things, the first thing that came to my mind was my religion: Judaism. Being as objective as I could be, I went to the primary news source of Israel, Judaism’s origin of its people, history, and foundation of the religious beliefs and principles. Although, I did not type anything into the search box; I scrolled to the politics and business sections in hopes that I would find an example of how religion contributes to a nation’s/religion’s perspective on a non-religious affiliated (for the most part) subject. I was in luck. I found an article that was written three hours before on this day, detailing in non-middle eastern affairs but rather provided a (somewhat) religious view on American culture, politics, and beliefs. It was titled “Why American religion isn’t refining American values”. Interestingly, it is profiling the American culture and way of life as a religion, which, in a way I agree with because I see it fit that American culture has most, if not all of the the aspects which encompasses a religion. But, it is not something that is spiritually connected, being my disagreement with the profiling. 
It poses a contradiction which proves a large issue with the American religion. Americans (92% to be exact) are religious believers, 80% being churchgoers; the same faithful, religious individuals materialize themselves and their religions with things like shopping (Black Friday) and being violent when doing so; joking of Tim Tebow, a devoted and religious Christian--someone who has had their religion used against them; people with a high exposure to and a large demand for pornography; etc. All of these things are examples of American culture that go much against some religious beliefs. Nevertheless, from the point of view from this Israeli (a Jew) who is recording this, the strict and faithful principles of his religion allowed him to view American culture or religion in an entirely alternate form as it would be viewed as by an Americans themselves, or perhaps from another religion. The writer’s religion forced him to see the negativities which arise out of this religion that are in great contrast to the aspects of his own religion. He has used his religious background and knowledge to shape the world he faces differently than (almost) any other individual. 
In response to some other the abnormalities and defects of the American religion, the author points out an additional key component to the religion that he feels is essential in all religions. Now controlled heavily by politics, gay and lesbian marriage as well as abortions have little relation to religion in the modern world. He states that some aspects of life, including these concepts, should be dictated by religion in opposition to politics; regardless, politicians are excluding all other values (religious or not) and making decisions/controlling the people devoted to this American religion in the wrong direction. Clarifying why this article was found in the political section in the first place, the author feels that religion should not be undermined and should continue to play a significant role in all of its values and practices in the daily lives of all. He posses an interesting thought, that American religion is so distracted and off balanced as a result of its advancements throughout the past few decades, and its governing bodies are loosing sight of what is truly the government of man: religion. The author is saying this because his religion personally changed the way he sees the world and operates, and the difference he notices between what is occurring in his nation and land, between what is occurring in America’s nation and land dictates the reasons for why he is saying what he is. His religion believes in something else that is more rational and ‘correct’, in a sense, so he wants to see a change in the opposing religion as well. 
The last lines of the article are particularly striking, as it states a “...cruel failure of leadership on the part of our religious, political, and cultural icons”. To me, this captures the subjectivity of religion perfectly. His religion has transformed the way he sees the world, as to say when something disagrees with, contradicts, or threats the religion he follows, the world beyond must be changed to match/suit the religious concepts and practices. Religion is a tool which people use to base their perspectives and judgements  on as it supports the individual’s (subjective) reason. Therefore, that tool is taken to use throughout all scenarios, as it changes the way people see, judge, absorb, and appreciate their surroundings.

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